The view from the workbench

Since I've been in San Francisco, I've started to remark on some of the bikes that find their way into my stand.  Whether for quirky designs, as with the Raleigh's seatstay caps, beautiful lettering, as with many of the photos that follow, or simply elegant design, as with the reflector that looks like it actually had some care put into its lines, these things have captured my imagination, and made me want to take their pictures  The photos herein aren't the best--they're taken with my phone--but what's being sought is the content, and I hope they can manage that.

I just really like the simple elegance of this decal.  The font is treat!

This was hard to get to show up, but I guess these are French, though, isn't pivo Polish for beer?  What a logo, though!

No explanation necessary, I think.
Scratched, but still rockin'.  What font!  First in a long time, but one of two in a week.
This bike was a tough one for my phone, but I just couldn't resist this's too bad the color doesn't come through in its full glory here.

There it is again, this time on the Professional.  Reminds me of the flintstones for some reason.

I saw these over-hanging seatstay caps recently on a Raleigh, so when this one came in, I had to take note.  Is it an unfinished look?  I don't really think I like it, but it's curious all the same.

It's a reflector.  Swish!


  1. actually a good workbench! and I like the logo and another details

  2. Yeah. It's a good bench. I don't know why, but I seem to be noticing fonts on bikes a lot more than I remember doing in the past. Either that, or there really are just a lot more interesting ones coming through.


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