Back from beyond

After all that walking, what's next?, say my feet.
Well, feet, I'll tell you:, say I.
Not much walking, that's what!
Them's fightin' words, says the world.
But I feel like fightin', just so long as I don't have to walk to do it. I'll ride my bike, say I.

Thus starts the new chapter. What the contents will end up being, I can't quite say, as I'm trying to see into that space myself, and as yet, the fog hasn't lifted. One thing's for sure: I made my right foot a promise, and I don't take those things lightly. I've started shooting film again, at least a bit. I keep my knife sharp, my espresso thick, and my bike clean. If I'm really with it, maybe I'll even be able to keep this blog updated...haha, well, let's not dream too big just yet....

In Amsterdam.  I can say style.  Apparently I'm not the only one.


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